Wire and Flags
This is a 500 foot roll of H
This is a 1,000 foot roll of Heavy Duty 14 Gauge Solid Core Pe
This is a 500 foot roll of Heavy Duty 14 Gauge Solid Core Pet
This is a 1,000 foot roll of Heavy Duty 16 Gauge Solid Core Pe
This is a 500 foot roll of Heavy Duty 16 Gauge Solid Core Pet
This is a 1,000 foot roll of Heavy Duty 16 Gauge Solid Core Pe
This is a 500 foot roll of Heavy Duty 16 Gauge Solid Core Pet
This is a 1,000 foot Pet Fence Wire & Flag Kit. It includes 1,000 feet of Heavy Duty - Solid Core Pet Fence Wire and 100 Pet Fence Flags. This is enough wire and flags to enclose 1 acre. We recommend Heavy Duty Pet Fence wire in any areas where the wire may experience wear and tear such as rocky conditions or cold weather climates.
Our 1,000 foot Heavy Duty Pet Fence Wire and Flag Kit can be used for any brand ofnderground fence.
This is a 500 foot Pet Fence Wire & Flag Kit. It includes 500 feet of Heavy Duty - Solid Core Pet Fence Wire and 50 Pet Fence Flags. This is enough wire and flags to enclose 1/3 to 1/2 acre. We recommend Heavy Duty Pet Fence wire in any areas where the wire may experience wear and tear such as rocky conditions or cold weather climates.
Our 500 foot Heavy Duty Pet Fence Wire and Flag Kit can be used for any brand of underground pet fence.
The Ultimate Waterproof Underground Pet Fence Splice! Just squeeze and lock to hydraulically pump and pack waterproofing silicone.
Pre-filled silicone fully encapsulates all bare wires, closing all entryways against moisture and corrosion. A double O-ring seal bars water from creeping in, and latches lock the connector around the wires.
- Silicone covers all bare wires
- Seals our moisture and corrosion
- Double O-ring seal
This is a 1,000 foot roll of
This is a 500 foot roll of H
This is a 1,000 foot roll of
This is a 500 foot PetSafe Pet Fence Wire & Flag Kit. It includes 500 feet of Solid Core Pet Fence Wire and 50 PetSafe Pet Fence Flags. This is enough wire and flags to enclose 1/3 to 1/2 acre. We recommend PetSafe Pet Fence wire in areas of loose sandy soils, low traffic areas or areas of little vegetation.
Our 500 foot PetSafe;Pet Fence Wire and Flag Kit can be used for any brand of underground dog fence.
This is a 1,000 foot roll of
This is a 500 foot roll of H
This is a 1,000 foot roll of Heavy Duty - Solid Core Pet Fence Wire. This is enough wire to enclose 1 acre. We recommend Heavy Duty Pet Fence wire in any areas where the wire may experience wear and tear such as rocky conditions or cold weather climates.
Our 1,000 foot Heavy Duty Pet Fence Wire and Flag Kit can be used for any brand of underground pet fence.
This is a 500 foot roll of Heavy Duty - Solid Core Pet Fence Wire. This is enough wire to enclose 1/3 to 1/2 acre. We recommend Heavy Duty Pet Fence wire in any areas where the wire may experience wear and tear such as rocky conditions or cold weather climates.
Our 500 foot Heavy Duty Pet Fence Wire and Flag Kit can be used for any brand ofunderground pet fence.
Cut Your Underground Dog Fence Installation Time in HALF & Avoid The Back Breaking Task of Burying Wire.
There is no need to spend a weekend burying the wire underground, or paying some one hundreds of dollars to bury the boundary wire when it can be installed above ground in only a matter of an hour or two. Each Box contains 100 Staples - enough to install 500 feet of wire. Our Pet Fence Stable can be used;for any brand of underground pet fence.
Using our Pet Fence Staples;you can "Staple" the wire to the ground. Within a matter of 7 - 14 days the root system of your lawn will grow over the wire and hide it completely from view, essentially "Burying" it into the lawn. Not only does this make the installation of your new pet containment systems hassle free, it also eliminates any potential loss of signal that may result from burying the boundary wire under several inches of dirt, not to mention the backaches and blisters it will save you.
Using Dog Fence Staples is Quick & Easy
Step 1:
- First run your twisted wire from your transmitter out to the beginning of your boundary.
- Now "Staple" the twisted wire to the ground by hammering in a wire "Staple" every 5 - 6 feet.
- Now stop and look at the wire. Is it completely flush to the ground all the way to the start of the boundary? If not go and "Staple" any raised areas before proceeding to the next step. The wire MUST completely touch the ground.
Step 2:
- Next, place a "Staple" where the twisted wire and the beginning of the boundary meet (if you have a splice in this area please dig a small hole about 2 inches deep and bury the splice. Then place a "Staple" in the front of and behind the splice to relieve any pressure on the splice)
- Now walk the wire to the first corner of your boundary and "Staple" it to the ground. Repeat this step for all four corners of your boundary.
- Next go back just as you did with your twisted wire and "Staple" any raised areas down until they are completely flush with the ground.
It is that simple.
You have no need to worry about people tripping over the wire because it is completely flush to the ground and will be completely hidden within 7-10 days. You also do not need to worry about your lawnmower cutting the wire as the blades will never get anywhere near the wire. Nobody cuts their lawns to shorter than an inch, with the vast majority of people keeping them at 2" - 3" inches, the wire is flush to the ground and cannot be cut.
These instructions will not be included with your pet fence. You should print this page if you are going to use the Above Ground Installation method.
There are really only a couple of instances where burying the wire is preferable.
If you are putting a fence into a pasture area where livestock such as horses or cattle will frequent, then you will want to bury the wire as their hooves will create breaks. In this case you will want the wire at least 8 - 10 inches underground.
If you frequently have your yard aerated you will want the wire at least 5 - 6 inches in the ground. Although if you do an above ground installation you can simply avoid the exterior boundaries when performing the aeration.
Twisted wire is used in almost all electric pet fence installations. Twisting two dog fence wires together creates a neutral wire that your dog can cross without receiving a warning or correction. The most common use of twisted wire is for connecting t
Twisted wire is used in almost all electric pet fence installations. Twisting two dog fence wires together creates a neutral wire that your dog can cross without receiving a warning or correction. The most common use of twisted wire is for connecting t
Twisted wire is used in almost all electric pet fence installations. Twisting two dog fence wires together creates a neutral wire that your dog can cross without receiving a warning or correction. The most common use of twisted wire is for connecting t
Twisted wire is used in almost all electric pet fence installations. Twisting two dog fence wires together creates a neutral wire that your dog can cross without receiving a warning or correction. The most common use of twisted wire is for connecting t
In addition to being an Authorized Retailer with Essential Pet Products, you must also be a Radio Systems Corporation Authorized Retailer to purchase this item at wholesale prices. Please contact us for information on becoming an Authorized RSC Retailer.
- Protect or Disconnect
This is a 500 foot roll of PetSafe - Solid Core Pet Fence Wire. This is enough wire to enclose 1/3 to 1/2 acre. We recommend PetSafe Pet Fence wire in any areas of loose sandy soils, low traffic areas or areas of little vegetation.
Our 500 foot PetSafe Pet Fence Wire and Flag Kit can be used for any brand of underground pet fence.
PetSafe Boundary Flags can be used;for any brand of underground pet fence. Boundary Flags are to be used as a visual aid for your pet to help them learn the boundary you've determined for them. After about 30 days, you will be able to remove the flags and your pet will know his boundaries. These PetSafe Flags are on a plastic 12 " staff and measure 2" x 3". This is a bundle of 50 flags, enough to mark off up to 500 feet of wire.
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Add A Dog Collars
Air Pumps
Air Pumps and Accessories
Airline Connectors and Kits
Algicides and Algae Removers
Apparel Boots and Shoes
Apparel Coats and Slickers
Apparel Sweaters and Pajamas
Aquarium Decorations
Aquarium Filters
Aquarium Gravel Cleaners
Aquarium Heaters
Auto Feeders
Automatic Feeders
Backpacks and Life Jackets
Bark Control
Bath Sprays and Washes
Baths Decorative and Other
Batteries@Wireless Fences
Beds and Cushions
Bird Cages
Bowls and Dishes
Breeding and Isolation Equipment
Brushes and Shedding Tools
Cage Covers and Seed Guards
Cages and Habitats
Cages and Pens
Cat Containment
Cat Containment@Underground Fences
Cat Furniture
Cat or Treats
Chew Items
Chews and Licks
Chicken Coops
Chlorine and Chloramine Removers
Cleaners (Cage and Hand)
Cleaning Pads and Brushes
Collars Leather and Latigo
Collars Leather Nylon and Other
Colognes and Odor Eliminators
Combs and Brushes
Combs Flea and Tick Related
Cups and Waterers and Feeders
Dental and Breath Aids
Deodorizers and Cleansers
Dishes and Bowls
Dog Car Seats
Dog Crates
Dog Houses
Dog Kennels and Pens
Dog Ramps
Dog Steps
Dog Tie-Outs
Dog Tracking
Dog Training Collars
Dog Treadmills
Dog Treats
Ear and Eye Treatments
Extra Collars
Eye and Ear Treatments
Feeders Bowls and Dishes
Filter and Bio Bags
Filter Media and Material
Filters and Media
Filters Corner and Sponge
Fish Food and Supplements
Flea and Tick Carpet Powders
Flea and Tick Collars
Flea and Tick Dips
Flea and Tick Drops
Flea and Tick Foggers
Flea and Tick Shampoos
Flea and Tick Sprays and Powders
Flea and Tick Sprays and Powders and Wipes
Flea and Tick Treatments
Flea and Tick Yard Sprays
Flora and Moss
Foods Flake Tropical
Foods Liquid and Specialty
Foods Vacation and Time Release
Furniture Trees and Condos
FW and SW Testing and Reagents
Glass and Acrylic Aquariums
Gravel and Cage Paper
Gravel and Grit
Harnesses Pickup and Saftey
Hummingbird Nectars and Foods
Hydrometer and Thermometer
Leads and Harnesses
Leads Leather and Latigo
Lighting and Accessories
Litter Deodorizers and Additives
Litter Liners and Filters
Litter Pans and Covers
Litter Supplies
Medicated Lotions and Ointments
Medications FW and SW
Muzzles Wire and Nylon
Nail Trimmers and Files
Nests Wicker and Stick and Other
Nets and Netting
Nursers and Bottles
Odor Eliminators
Perches Plastic and Other
Pet Barriers
Pet Barriers@Wireless Fences
Pet Door Replacement Flaps
Pet Doors
Pet Feeders
Pet Fountains
Pet Gates
Pet Waste Disposal
Play Pens
Posts Regular and Hanging
Power and Canister Filter Replacement Parts
Rabbit Hutches
Rawhide Bones and Chews
Reflectors and Domes
Remote Launchers
Repellents Indoor and Outdoor
Replacement Transmitters
Rinses and Coat Conditioners
Sand and Gravel
Sanitary Pants and Pads
Sealants and Silicone
Security Gates Wood and Wire
Shampoo and Grooming Aids
Small Pet Products
Spray Deterrents
Swings and Trees
Thermometers and Thermostats
Toys Rubber and Cressite
Toys Sheepskin and Cloth
Training Aids
Training Collars New Products
Treats and Supplements
Underground Fences
UV Sterilizers and Parts
Valves Pipe and In-Line and Other
Vitamins and Trace Elements
Waste Control
Water Pump and Power Head Parts
Waterers and Feeders
Whistles Silent and Other
Wire and Flags
Wireless Fences
Wormers Liquid and Tablet