Auto Feeders
Penn Plax Claws Tank Tongs are the perfect way to clean your aquarium without getting your hands wet. Ideal for planting, aquascaping, redecorating, removing debris and reptile feeding.
- Claw Tank Tong Dimensions - 20" Long
- Rugged and Durable Tank Tongs
- Retrieve items from the bottom of your tank or use to feed your pets
The Ocean Nutrition "Feeding Frenzy" Feeding Station is a unique tool for making the feeding of flake foods and other floating foods an easier, more efficient, and more enjoyable process (for fish and fish keepers).
- Keeps floating foods from scattering on water surface
- Saves food from being caught in filter or skimmer
- Durable and easy to clean
The Feeding Station floats on the surface of the aquarium water and adheres to the inside surface of glass or acrylic aquariums. The Feeding Station Medium Dimensions are 4.5" Long x 5.15" Wide.
The Ocean Nutrition "Feeding Frenzy" Feeding Station provides a stationary zone where fish can return repeatedly to feed while containing floating foods within a limited space. The food does not immediately scatter across the aquarium water surface, which helps to reduce the clogging of filters or skimmers.
The Ocean Nutrition "Feeding Frenzy" Grid Feeding Clip is the perfect tool for feeding Marine Butterfly fish and other "picky" or delicate feeding marine tropical.
- Duplicates natural "grazing" feeding pattern in tropical fish
- Firmly grips or holds a defrosted cube of gel-based frozen fish food
- Butterfly fish and others will pick through openings in screened gripping area
In their natural coral reef environment, Marine Butterfly fish, Angels, Tangs and many others feed by picking throughout the day on surfaces of coral heads and live rocks.
Ocean Nutrition Grid Feeding Clip helps to duplicate this natural feeding behavior by holding food intact and prolonging the feeding process so that fish are not forced to eat their entire days food in a five-minute rush. It also allows your fish to feed in this natural picking manner rather than eating food floating in the water column
The Ocean Nutrition "Feeding Frenzy" Seaweed Clip is an excellent tool for feeding the "Seaweed Selects" from Ocean Nutrition. The clip is for use underwater, and has a suction cup for attachment to the inside surface of glass or acrylic aquariums.
- Holds seaweed and other food for grazing tropical fish
- Waterproof with suction cup for in-tank feeding
- Perfect for vacation feeding
The Ocean Nutrition Seaweed Clip has a stronger grip and a longer gripping surface than similar clips that have been used in the aquarium industry. The Seaweed Clip holds the seaweed underwater for the fish to feed upon, and helps promote a very natural feeding by allowing fish to pick at the food, little by little, over an extended period of time.
Lees 4 Way Cone Worm Feeder dispenses live or frozen worms or brine shrimp and reduces build-up on bottom of aquarium. The 4-Way Cone Worm Feeder is made up of three separate pieces: A floating ring, a cone worm feeder, and a suction cup. Packaging Bagged.
- Made of a soft, flexible, break-resistant plastic.
- Made up of three parts: Floating ring, cone worm feeder, and suction cup
- Dispenses live or frozen worms and reduced build-up on aquarium bottom
The floating ring may be used to provide dry food while floating on the surface or, when used in conjunction with the suction cup, it may be attached to the side wall of the aquarium to restrict feeding to a certain area. In addition, when inserting the cone, it may be used as a free-floating or confined worm feeder.
From delicate pruning in small spaces to sculpting large substrate surfaces, Fluvals all-new PLANT series offers all the tools you need to maintain a thriving underwater garden. Fluval aquatic Straight Forceps make quick work of planting small and thin plants.
- Rubber Coated Tips Allow for a from Grip
- Long lasting Stainless Steel with Carbonized Coating
- Ideal for Planting Small or Thin Plants
- Great tool for Aquascapers
- 10.6"
The Fish Mate F14 Aquarium Fish Feeder is a high quality automatic aquarium food dispenser. Individual compartments allow a varied diet suitable for all popular flake or pellet foods. The battery operated timer serves up to four meals a day, with a capacity for up to 14 meals total. Provide your fish with accurate feeding of all dry and flake fish foods.
- Serves up to 14 meals
- Accurate feeding of all dry fish food and flake foods
- Easy to use timer provides 1-4 meals a day
- 1
Add A Dog Collars
Air Pumps
Air Pumps and Accessories
Airline Connectors and Kits
Algicides and Algae Removers
Apparel Boots and Shoes
Apparel Coats and Slickers
Apparel Sweaters and Pajamas
Aquarium Decorations
Aquarium Filters
Aquarium Gravel Cleaners
Aquarium Heaters
Auto Feeders
Automatic Feeders
Backpacks and Life Jackets
Bark Control
Bath Sprays and Washes
Baths Decorative and Other
Batteries@Wireless Fences
Beds and Cushions
Bird Cages
Bowls and Dishes
Breeding and Isolation Equipment
Brushes and Shedding Tools
Cage Covers and Seed Guards
Cages and Habitats
Cages and Pens
Cat Containment
Cat Containment@Underground Fences
Cat Furniture
Cat or Treats
Chew Items
Chews and Licks
Chicken Coops
Chlorine and Chloramine Removers
Cleaners (Cage and Hand)
Cleaning Pads and Brushes
Collars Leather and Latigo
Collars Leather Nylon and Other
Colognes and Odor Eliminators
Combs and Brushes
Combs Flea and Tick Related
Cups and Waterers and Feeders
Dental and Breath Aids
Deodorizers and Cleansers
Dishes and Bowls
Dog Car Seats
Dog Crates
Dog Houses
Dog Kennels and Pens
Dog Ramps
Dog Steps
Dog Tie-Outs
Dog Tracking
Dog Training Collars
Dog Treadmills
Dog Treats
Ear and Eye Treatments
Extra Collars
Eye and Ear Treatments
Feeders Bowls and Dishes
Filter and Bio Bags
Filter Media and Material
Filters and Media
Filters Corner and Sponge
Fish Food and Supplements
Flea and Tick Carpet Powders
Flea and Tick Collars
Flea and Tick Dips
Flea and Tick Drops
Flea and Tick Foggers
Flea and Tick Shampoos
Flea and Tick Sprays and Powders
Flea and Tick Sprays and Powders and Wipes
Flea and Tick Treatments
Flea and Tick Yard Sprays
Flora and Moss
Foods Flake Tropical
Foods Liquid and Specialty
Foods Vacation and Time Release
Furniture Trees and Condos
FW and SW Testing and Reagents
Glass and Acrylic Aquariums
Gravel and Cage Paper
Gravel and Grit
Harnesses Pickup and Saftey
Hummingbird Nectars and Foods
Hydrometer and Thermometer
Leads and Harnesses
Leads Leather and Latigo
Lighting and Accessories
Litter Deodorizers and Additives
Litter Liners and Filters
Litter Pans and Covers
Litter Supplies
Medicated Lotions and Ointments
Medications FW and SW
Muzzles Wire and Nylon
Nail Trimmers and Files
Nests Wicker and Stick and Other
Nets and Netting
Nursers and Bottles
Odor Eliminators
Perches Plastic and Other
Pet Barriers
Pet Barriers@Wireless Fences
Pet Door Replacement Flaps
Pet Doors
Pet Feeders
Pet Fountains
Pet Gates
Pet Waste Disposal
Play Pens
Posts Regular and Hanging
Power and Canister Filter Replacement Parts
Rabbit Hutches
Rawhide Bones and Chews
Reflectors and Domes
Remote Launchers
Repellents Indoor and Outdoor
Replacement Transmitters
Rinses and Coat Conditioners
Sand and Gravel
Sanitary Pants and Pads
Sealants and Silicone
Security Gates Wood and Wire
Shampoo and Grooming Aids
Small Pet Products
Spray Deterrents
Swings and Trees
Thermometers and Thermostats
Toys Rubber and Cressite
Toys Sheepskin and Cloth
Training Aids
Training Collars New Products
Treats and Supplements
Underground Fences
UV Sterilizers and Parts
Valves Pipe and In-Line and Other
Vitamins and Trace Elements
Waste Control
Water Pump and Power Head Parts
Waterers and Feeders
Whistles Silent and Other
Wire and Flags
Wireless Fences
Wormers Liquid and Tablet