Flea and Tick Drops
Sentry PurrScriptions Indoor Squeeze-On for Cats and Kittens kills and repels fleas, ticks, and mosquitoes on contact, using only natural ingredients that are safe to use around your home and family. This treatment may be used on all cats over 12 weeks old.
- Kills and repels fleas, ticks and mosquitoes with natural ingredients
- Safe for use around children and pets
- Great for multi-pet households
- Fresh lemongrass scent
Directions: Read entire label before each use, and use only in accordance with label instructions. For use on cats and kittens. Do not use on kittens under the age of 12 weeks. Do not get this product in your cats eyes or mouth. Do not bathe cat within the first 24 hours after squeeze-on has been applied. Households with more than one cat should not allow pets to groom each other until solution has dried. Cats may be treated indoors or outdoors. Product should be applied at least once per month. If cat is exposed to a highly infested environment, repeat applications may be made if necessary, but do not apply more often than once every two weeks.
Active Ingredients:
Peppermint Oil - 10.00%
Clove Oil - 7.00%
Lemongrass Oil - 3.00%
Other Ingredients:
Canola Oil, Vanillin, Citric Acid - 80.00%
Total: 100.00%
Sentrys PurrScriptions Plus Squeeze-On Flea and Tick Control for Cats and Kittens is a very effective and easy-to-use squeeze-on pest treatment that will help kill fleas and deter ticks, flea eggs and larvae while repelling mosquitoes.
- Effective and easy to use
- Repels mosquitoes (including those that may transmit West Nile) for up to 30 days
- Kills fleas, deer ticks, fleas eggs and flea larvae
- Cats & kittens up to 5 lbs
By killing fleas in their egg and larvae stages, Purrscriptions Plus helps break the flea life cycle and prevents reinfestation. This quick drying product is safe for cats and kittens over 12 weeks of age.
Sentrys PurrScriptions Plus Squeeze-On Flea and Tick Control for Cats and Kittens is a very effective and easy-to-use squeeze-on pest treatment that will help kill fleas and deter ticks, flea eggs and larvae while repelling mosquitoes.
- Effective and easy to use
- Repels mosquitoes (including those that may transmit West Nile) for up to 30 days
- Kills fleas, deer ticks, fleas eggs and flea larvae
- Cats & kittens up to 5 lbs
By killing fleas in their egg and larvae stages, Purrscriptions Plus helps break the flea life cycle and prevents reinfestation. This quick drying product is safe for cats and kittens over 12 weeks of age.
Zodiacs Spot On Flea Control for Cats and Kittens is a 4 month supply with a special accu-tip dispenser for easy application.
- Special Formula
- Kills flea eggs for up to 1 month
- Unique applicator designed to help prevent misapplication
This topically applied long lasting formula for cats and kittens will prevent flea eggs from maturing into adults and lasts up to 1 full month.
We also recommend treating your pets environment with flea protection.
Zodiac Spot On Plus Flea and Tick Control for Cats. Each Spot On Plus for cats applicator kills and repels adult fleas and ticks and prevents reinfestation for 30 days. The cat-shaped applicator is easy to use and ensures you apply the monthly topical formulated especially for felines.
- Kills fleas, flea eggs and deer ticks
- Kills and repels mosquitoes
- Topical treatment with natural coat conditioner
Prevents reinfestation through Insect Growth Regulator (IGR) technology by stopping the development of flea eggs preventing them from becoming breeding, biting adults, thus breaking the life cycle.
For use only on cats 12 weeks of age or older
Small - Use on cats under 5 lbs
Large - Use on cats over 5 lbs
Active ingredients:
(S)-Methoprene - 3.6%
Etofenprox - 40.0%
Other ingredients: 56.4%
- 1
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Breeding and Isolation Equipment
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Cages and Habitats
Cages and Pens
Cat Containment
Cat Containment@Underground Fences
Cat Furniture
Cat or Treats
Chew Items
Chews and Licks
Chicken Coops
Chlorine and Chloramine Removers
Cleaners (Cage and Hand)
Cleaning Pads and Brushes
Collars Leather and Latigo
Collars Leather Nylon and Other
Colognes and Odor Eliminators
Combs and Brushes
Combs Flea and Tick Related
Cups and Waterers and Feeders
Dental and Breath Aids
Deodorizers and Cleansers
Dishes and Bowls
Dog Car Seats
Dog Crates
Dog Houses
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Dog Ramps
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Dog Tie-Outs
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Extra Collars
Eye and Ear Treatments
Feeders Bowls and Dishes
Filter and Bio Bags
Filter Media and Material
Filters and Media
Filters Corner and Sponge
Fish Food and Supplements
Flea and Tick Carpet Powders
Flea and Tick Collars
Flea and Tick Dips
Flea and Tick Drops
Flea and Tick Foggers
Flea and Tick Shampoos
Flea and Tick Sprays and Powders
Flea and Tick Sprays and Powders and Wipes
Flea and Tick Treatments
Flea and Tick Yard Sprays
Flora and Moss
Foods Flake Tropical
Foods Liquid and Specialty
Foods Vacation and Time Release
Furniture Trees and Condos
FW and SW Testing and Reagents
Glass and Acrylic Aquariums
Gravel and Cage Paper
Gravel and Grit
Harnesses Pickup and Saftey
Hummingbird Nectars and Foods
Hydrometer and Thermometer
Leads and Harnesses
Leads Leather and Latigo
Lighting and Accessories
Litter Deodorizers and Additives
Litter Liners and Filters
Litter Pans and Covers
Litter Supplies
Medicated Lotions and Ointments
Medications FW and SW
Muzzles Wire and Nylon
Nail Trimmers and Files
Nests Wicker and Stick and Other
Nets and Netting
Nursers and Bottles
Odor Eliminators
Perches Plastic and Other
Pet Barriers
Pet Barriers@Wireless Fences
Pet Door Replacement Flaps
Pet Doors
Pet Feeders
Pet Fountains
Pet Gates
Pet Waste Disposal
Play Pens
Posts Regular and Hanging
Power and Canister Filter Replacement Parts
Rabbit Hutches
Rawhide Bones and Chews
Reflectors and Domes
Remote Launchers
Repellents Indoor and Outdoor
Replacement Transmitters
Rinses and Coat Conditioners
Sand and Gravel
Sanitary Pants and Pads
Sealants and Silicone
Security Gates Wood and Wire
Shampoo and Grooming Aids
Small Pet Products
Spray Deterrents
Swings and Trees
Thermometers and Thermostats
Toys Rubber and Cressite
Toys Sheepskin and Cloth
Training Aids
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UV Sterilizers and Parts
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Vitamins and Trace Elements
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Wire and Flags
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